Tag: Business strategy

  • Micro-Influencers: The Underrated Powerhouses of Digital Marketing

    Introduction Recent trends in digital marketing highlight a move from celebrity endorsements and large-scale influencer campaigns to niche and more highly-engaged promotions through micro-influencers. These individuals, with smaller but dedicated followings, are gaining traction as powerful marketing tools. This article will explore why micro-influencers are often underrated, how businesses can benefit from working with them,…

  • Reinvention Investment as an Outcome of Anticipated Disruption

    Reinvention investment is the active management of anticipated shifts in the competitive landscape, technological advancements, or societal changes. The concept of reinvention investment underscores the importance of taking proactive steps toward addressing market-based and external risks head on, and refers to the strategic allocation of resources toward innovation, transformation, or business reconfiguration over reactive responses…

  • Lessons for Business from the 2024 US Presidential Election and its Use of Social Media

    In 2019, a Pew Research Center study showed that a majority of Twitter users identify as left-leaning, with Democrats outnumbering Republicans by a significant margin (60% to 35%). These findings sparked concerns about potential bias, echo chamber effects, and the role of social media in shaping political conversations. Over half of Americans get their news…

  • Fixed Effects Threshold Regression: A New Way to Understand Complex Market Relationships

    An emerging statistical technique, known as fixed effects threshold regression, is offering researchers a more nuanced way to understand complex relationships between variables. This method combines the power of fixed effects models, which control for individual-specific characteristics, with the flexibility of threshold models, which allow for different relationships to exist at different points. By identifying…