Category: Examples
Reinvention Investment as an Outcome of Anticipated Disruption
Reinvention investment is the active management of anticipated shifts in the competitive landscape, technological advancements, or societal changes. The concept of reinvention investment underscores the importance of taking proactive steps toward addressing market-based and external risks head on, and refers to the strategic allocation of resources toward innovation, transformation, or business reconfiguration over reactive responses…
The Relentless Pursuit of Productivity: A Comprehensive Strategy for Achieving Long Run Productivity Growth Among Knowledge Workers
In the abstract, every business owner and executive knows that increasing workforce productivity is critical for long run business success. It is the foundation to achieving a competitive advantage in crowded markets, and essential to enabling and maintaining profitability. Productivity, however, is more than just output over time. Achieving productivity growth over the long run…
Fixed Effects Threshold Regression: A New Way to Understand Complex Market Relationships
An emerging statistical technique, known as fixed effects threshold regression, is offering researchers a more nuanced way to understand complex relationships between variables. This method combines the power of fixed effects models, which control for individual-specific characteristics, with the flexibility of threshold models, which allow for different relationships to exist at different points. By identifying…
Malaysia’s Thriving Software Development Consultancy Scene
Malaysia is steadily emerging as a hub for software development consultancies, driven by the country’s digital transformation initiatives and growing demand for technology solutions across industries. These consultancies offer a wide array of services, from custom software development and mobile app creation to cloud computing and cybersecurity solutions. Their expertise is instrumental in assisting businesses…
AI in Manufacturing: A Growing Revolution
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has rapidly infiltrated various industries, and the manufacturing sector is no exception. The integration of AI is in the process of revolutionizing manufacturing, and helping companies realize greater value through increased efficiency, productivity, and quality. Progress thus far in AI applications has been hard-fought. As a new technology, we are on the…
Articulating a Small Business Strategy: How Small Businesses Can Plan for Growth and Scale Up Their Operations
Introduction to Small Business Strategy When we think of “strategy,” images of corporate boardrooms and high-powered executives often come to mind. It’s easy to assume that strategic planning is a luxury reserved for big businesses with deep pockets and dedicated strategy teams. However, the truth is that small businesses need a clear strategic plan just…
Blurred Lines: When Strategy Meets Digital
The following article has been developed by AnswerTeam in response to conversations with numerous companies which are seeking ways to improve the leverage of their digital assets. Time and again, for these and many other companies, harnessing the power of digital solutions requires more than just the technical capabilities, but also a strategic mindset that…
Leveraging AI Tools to Accelerate Small Business Growth
Introduction AnswerTeam is dedicated to supporting businesses achieve their strategic objectives by bringing value-added strategic analysis within reach, in a way that focuses on solving problems, developing solutions, and filling gaps in analysis to enable transformational growth. Our approach is oriented around key questions that must be addressed in order to initiate a transformative growth…